The purpose of present study outlines a systematic approach for designing and development of Tolterodine Tartarate floating tablets to enhance the bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Floating tablets of Tolterodine Tartarate have shown sustained release thereby proper duration of action at a particular site and are designed to prolong the gastric residence time after oral administration. Different formulations were formulated by direct compression technique using HPMC K15M and Xanthan gum (floating agent) as polymers along with sodium bicarbonate and citric acid as gas generating agent. The formulations were evaluated for their physicochemical properties, buoyancy lag time, total floating time, swelling index and invitro drug release. It was found that the hardness of the tablets affects the Buoyancy characteristic of the dosage form. All nine formulations possessed good floating properties with total floating time between 9 – 12 hrs. The invitro cumulative % drug release of the formulations F1A, F1B, F2A, F2B, F3A and F3B were 102.85%, 101.32%, 100.2%, 99.98%, 99.28% and 97.25%.The F2B formulation showed the best release.